Soul Needs
What is the basic nutrition for the soul?
Well, it differs from creature to creature, but here are some combinations.
Consider them psychic macrobiotics.
For some women air, night, sunlight and trees are necessities.
For others, words, paper and books are the only thing that satiate.
For others colour, form, shadow and clay are the absolutes.
Some women must leap, bow and run, for their souls crave dance.
Yet others crave only a tree-leaning peace....
Thriving is what was meant for us on this earth.
— Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Soul Medicine Sessions 

We all have an original story that shaped our becoming, some of which we are born into, others we inherit. We all have a unique relationship to diverse lands and cultural origins, ways of doing things and being together. We have individual dreams, and original callings, felt sometimes only in the passing whispers of something we know within our bones but can’t quite name. We are woven from an individual tapestry of places, people, longings and experiences that help shape the soil of the life that makes us who we are. 

In the Soul Medicine Sessions, Melanie applies her own personal medicine alongside her experience in tracking, healing and harmonizing the movements of the soul and attending to its eternal imaginings in present-day concerns and curiosities. By connecting with each person on a soul level in the safety of sacred space Melanie works in relationship with:

~ Compassionate Listening and Witnessing
~ Sound Therapy
~ Energy Medicine
~ Journeying
~ Sacred Art Creation

to attune, clear, support and connect the person with what their soul is requesting of them in their present circumstances. 

Soul Medicine Sessions can be helpful for:

  • Connection ~ Connecting and re-attunment, either as a means of self-exploration and self-discovery or a necessary re-anchoring after a period of dislocation or major life transition

  • Crisis ~ Creating a safe, gentle and replenishing container for the soul in times of crises or high stress, where additional support is required to nourish, protect and resource its innate capacities

  • Clearing ~ Clearing away old energy that we all accumulate in our life experiences that may be weighing us down, holding us back or interfering with our ability to transition from places in our lives that we have outgrown

  • Clarity ~ Gaining clarity about significant life decisions, events, dynamics, patterns and inheritances that may be impacting us at a soul level

  • Self - Care ~ A general commitment to self-care, one of the many ways in which we care for our whole being

  • Curiosity ~ Trying on, if you are new to this type of work and are curious what its about or testing out, if you are interested in exploring whether you relate to Melanie in the ways that you need to before embarking in deeper co-creative work together.

Soul Medicine Sessions are available as
Sun Sessions (during the day) or Moon Sessions (in the evening)

90 minutes ~ $150 ~ tax included

In person sessions are available on Bowen Island
Distance sessions are available via zoom.

"I was going through extreme stress and burnout when Melanie and I sat down for a session. I already knew how much trust I had in Melanie and so I said "do whatever you think needs to be done". I sat back to receive and felt subtle changes in my emotions and body as the session went on. Afterward Melanie told me about what she did and it blew my mind. It was from there on that I was able to clearly process, heal and move forward in such a way that was beneficial to me. My life has continued to change and adjust in positive ways."
~ Sara, North Vancouver