Earth & Soul Medicine Sessions

Welcome to Earth & Soul Medicine Sessions, a sanctuary where the wisdom of the earth, the whispers of the spirit, and the yearnings of your soul intertwine in a profound journey. Sessions are thoughtfully crafted to help you harmonize with Earth's natural rhythms and your inner essence, providing rich, earth-based animistic practices to guide your healing journey.

Dive deep into the realms of trance journeying and dreamwork to unveil the spiritual dimensions that lie within. These practices unlock profound insights from the unconscious, guiding you toward self-discovery and healing. Through energy medicine and somatic practices, we awaken your body's inherent wisdom, releasing stagnant energy and fostering receptivity to deep healing. Surrender to the gentle embrace of sound healing, where soothing vibrations work to dissolve tension and invite deep relaxation.

In each session, not only will you experience these profound practices, but you will also receive a personalized Medicine Story. This narrative will include the medicine and messages gathered during your session, providing you with unique and profound insight into your journey and the healing process.

Earth & Soul Medicine Sessions cater to various aspects of your life, providing support when you need it most:

Connection ~ Reconnect and re-attune, whether you are on a journey of self-exploration or in need of re-anchoring after significant life changes.

Crisis ~ Find a safe and nourishing space for your body & soul during times of crisis or high stress.

Clearing ~ Clear away old energy accumulated from life experiences that may be weighing you down or holding you back.

Clarity ~ Gain clarity on significant life decisions, events, and patterns affecting you on all levels.

Self-Care ~ Commit to self-care as a way to nurture your whole being.

Curiosity ~ Experience a session if you are new to this work or seeking to understand if my approach aligns with your needs before diving deeper.

Sessions are available in person at my studio on Bowen Island.

Session Length:

  • 90 Minute Session: $150

Financial Assistance:
A few spots with sliding scale or discounted rates are available for those facing financial constraints. Reach out to learn more about eligibility and availability.

Discovery Call:
Unsure if my services are the right fit for you. Schedule a complimentary 15-minute discovery call to learn more about my approach and determine if we're a good match. Book your call now.

Ready to schedule a session, book online today.

"I sought out Melanie after struggling with a matter of the heart. From a place of pure knowingness, she offered insights that felt true for me and aligned with my real life experiences. Because she was able to meet me without projecting her own stories onto mine, I felt truly seen and was relieved to know I was correct in trusting my own intuition. I trust Melanie to share her wisdom on any aspect of life."
~ Kiley, Vancouver BC

"I was going through extreme stress and burnout when Melanie and I sat down for a session. I already knew how much trust I had in Melanie and so I said "do whatever you think needs to be done". I sat back to receive and felt subtle changes in my emotions and body as the session went on. Afterward Melanie told me about what she did and it blew my mind. It was from there on that I was able to clearly process, heal and move forward in such a way that was beneficial to me. My life has continued to change and adjust in positive ways."
~ Sara, North Vancouver

"Melanie is an amazing and beautiful person who has helped me endlessly in getting reacquainted with my inner-self. I feel blessed to have been united with Melanie as my trusted healer."
~ Sean, NL