“There is a time in our lives, usually in mid-life, when a woman has to make a decision - possibly the most important psychic decision of her future life - and that is, whether to be bitter or not. Women often come to this in their late thirties or early forties. They are at the point where they are full up to their ears with everything and they’ve “had it” and “the last straw has broken the camel’s back” and they’re “pissed off and pooped out.” Their dreams of their twenties may be lying in a crumple. There may be broken hearts, broken marriages, broken promises.”
Soul Sovereignty ~ The Way of the Soul
A Six-Month Journey for Women Entering the Queen Phase
Queen, the castle of your soul awaits.
You have entered (or are approaching) the powerful Queen Phase of life - a time that follows the Mother Phase of nurturing children, building careers, and serving others, yet comes before the wisdom of the Elder Phase. Midlife, according to Jung, marks the emergence of a “second self,” or the “non-ego.” Many experience this threshold as a midlife crisis, but in truth, it’s an invitation to consciously meet our deepest selves, heal old wounds, and reign with soul-based power. This six-month program was created through an evolving Depth Psychology lens, drawing on mythopoetic storytelling, archetypal exploration, and deep soul work to guide you home to your truest, most sovereign self.
Healing the Teenage & Young Adult Self
Within this Queen Phase lies the call to tend to our younger parts - unhealed teenage and young adult parts that often linger in the shadows, clamouring for attention when we least expect it. Left unhealed, these wounded aspects can fuel the chaos often associated with a midlife crisis, as forgotten dreams, unresolved pain, and unexpressed potentials demand their seat at the table.
For me, this phase has been about reclaiming and reconnecting with the parts of my younger self that I once believed to be too wild. I once dismissed her spontaneity as reckless chaos - something to be tamed rather than trusted- a sign of immaturity that I believed needed to be contained. Now, I recognize her as ancient and wise, brimming with life-giving energy. Yes, she can also be destructive - but only toward what no longer serves.
Reclaiming Personal Power & Creative Energy
The creative and sexual energy we first encounter in our youth is so often dismissed, distorted, or suppressed by social norms. By midlife, we may have all but forgotten how raw, fertile, and vital it truly is. But in the Queen Phase, we have the precious opportunity to reclaim that power with the wisdom and self-awareness we have cultivated over the years.
This power - the untamed, sacred energy at our core - is not just about passion or desire. It’s a deep well of vitality, an unending source of inspiration, creation, and joyful self-expression. When we reclaim it, we rediscover an essential part of ourselves: the ability to love deeply, create boldly, and speak our truth with authenticity.
Stepping into Soul Sovereignty
This reclamation of power is what I call Soul Sovereignty - the act of claiming your own soul energy and authority. It’s standing in the fullness of who you are, aware of your sacred relationship with life itself. Think of it as fortifying your inner castle - a domain where you reign with clarity, confidence, and wisdom.
The walls of this castle represent the healthy boundaries that protect your energy and values.
The hearth is the creative, life-giving fire at your center, fueling passion and purpose.
The tower offers a higher vantage point, guiding you with intuition and insight.
The open gates symbolize the balanced flow of giving and receiving, service and self-care.
When you stand in true soul sovereignty, you shift from forgetting to remembering, from living unconsciously to recognizing the ever-present source of your own power within. Yes, this transition can be challenging, but it’s also profoundly liberating - an essential initiation into your Queen Phase.
Over the course of six months, we will gather once a month in person to:
Retrieve & Heal wounded or lost parts of your teenage and young adult self through guided journeys.
Engage in Mythopoetic Storytelling to reframe your coming-of-age stories and see the symbolic threads woven into your life.
Practice Creative Expression & Ritual to awaken your creative life force and integrate it with your current wisdom.
Strengthen Your Inner Castle by exploring healthy boundaries, igniting your inner hearth, and cultivating a clear vantage point for your life decisions.
Threshold Ceremony to honour your full entry into the Queen Phase - celebrating the life you have lived so far and consciously marking the threshold into soul sovereignty.