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WCEMC Samhain Gathering and Celebration

Join us, The West Coast Earth Medicine Collective, along other like-minded folks for a very special gathering in which we will:
Re-member & Re-claim the lost Feminine of our people
Connection with The Ancestors
Honour our Dead
Engage with Our Magic
Acknowledge The Harvest

You will be held by 4 different practitioners, with 4 unique offerings, as we move through an evening of connection, journey-meditation, and creating. Together, we will celebrate the festival of Samhain, an ancient celts festival marking the midpoint between the fall equinox and the winter solstice. During this time of year, hearth fires in family homes were left to burn out while the harvest was gathered. This was also known as the time when the veil between the living and the dead was the thinnest and offerings were often prepared and left outside the villages for the mystic forest fairies and such. It was expected, at this time, that ancestors might cross over as well, so the Celts would dress up as animals so that no harm would come to them. All are welcome!

Date: Saturday, October 29th
Location: Maple Ridge
*specific address given upon registration*
***To complete registration you must go to

link button below***

Gathering Timeline: 4:30pm - 9:30
We open for arrival at 4:15 pm
Please arrive early to allow yourself time to settle in.
We also ask that you arrive in Silence.
Slider Scale Investment: $80-$120

*Please DO NOT let finances stop you from attending this gathering connect with us if you are in need of financial assistance*

We look forward and are honoured to have you join us!
Love, Light and Shadow, Catherine, Melanie, Cara and Faith
The West Coast Earth Medicine Collective

October 23

Basket Weaving ~ Bowen Island (FULL)

November 5

Cacao & Sound Journey ~ Bowen Island