”When women hear those words, (WILD and WOMAN) an old, old memory is stirred and brought back to life. The memory is of our absolute, undeniable, and irrevocable kinship with the wild feminine, a relationship which may have become ghostly from neglect, buried by over-domestication, outlawed by the surrounding culture, or no longer understood anymore. We may have forgotten her names, we may not answer when she calls ours, but in our bones we know her, we yearn toward her; we know she belongs to us and we to her.””
Wild Women Day Retreat ~ Singing Over The Bones
Sunday, April 30th ~ 11am-7pm
Maple Ridge, BC
The Wild Women Day Retreat is a transformative experience, that offers an opportunity to create a deep and meaningful connection to oneself, to community, and to the cycles of nature. This is an immersive journey into the first chapter from the book Women Who Run with the Wolves, and encourages participants to delve into the depths of their inner wildness and to explore their true nature and the sacredness of their lives.
The day is designed to create a safe and sacred space for each participant to explore and to connect deeply with their community and with themselves. Every aspect of the day will nourish the body, mind and soul. During this day retreat, there will be time to explore the chapter in Women Who Run with the Wolves, share stories and connect with each other and create sacred art. There will also be delicious, nourishing food and the opportunity to work with cacao medicine.
Day Unfolding
~ Deep Exploration of WWRWTW Chapter 1
~ Cacao Medicine
~ Movement
~ Sacred Art Creation's
~ Nourishing Food
And More!
This offering includes a nourishing meal, art/creating supplies, ceremonial cacao, tea & snacks and more!
The investment for this offering is based on a sliding scale of $180-$220.
Payment plan options are available please reach out if you would like to set one up!
*** You do not need to have the book to participate! ***
““We all begin as a bundle of bones lost somewhere in a desert, a dismantled skeleton that lies under the sand. It is our work to recover the parts. It is a painstaking process best done when the shadows are just right, for it takes much looking. La Loba indicates what we are to look for—the indestructible life force, the bones.
This is our meditation practice as women, calling back the dead and dismembered aspects of ourselves, calling back the dead and dismembered aspects of life itself.”
Weekend Facilitators
Stacey Barclay (she/her)
I am obsessed with tea & spend an abnormal amount of time reading. I think nature is my greatest medicine and that music & dancing is an underrated cure for everything. I love taking naps, preferably in the grass & I consider popcorn to be its own separate food group. I deem traveling to be one of my main sources for healing & have been to 15+ countries over the past 10 years. I feel - a l o t - however, this superpower has shown me that we are much more connected than we are separated.
I am a circle facilitator, somatic movement & meditation guide and clinical counsellor in training. The wisdom I have gathered on this path has been from many incredible mentors and space holders, to which I am tremendously grateful. I am a devoted earthling who considers mama earth to be my greatest teacher & I am also extremely human, which means, that I am fascinated by all of the things that make us so unique & intertwined with this planet.
𝑀𝑌 𝐼𝑁𝑇𝐸𝑁𝑇𝐼𝑂𝑁 Is to provide a space where the human experience ishonoured, embracing not only the light but also the dark while reconnecting the body, mind, and soul.
After spending years studying a plethora of different healing modalities it became apparent to me just how many of us are disconnected - from those around us, the earth beneath us & from our own selves. In sharing practices and creating community I hope to help others align with their truest selves and reconnect to their own innate ability to heal.
Melanie O'Leary (she/her)
Born and raised into the farmlands and forests of Northern British Columbia, Melanie is no stranger to the mysteries of the wild, the whisper of the forests and the careful tending required to produce what nourishes us. In between these old cycles of birth and death, a gentle spirit was nourished with the perfect blend of curiosity, old knowing and wild tending. Her connection to creativity and deep relationship with the land, flowed gently and generously.
Like every old story that has somehow earned its keep, somewhere along the way, she got lost. In order to make her way home, she would have to learn to navigate in the dark, move beyond the seductions of the distracted, and cultivate the healing medicine for the sting of her wounds. Melanie learned that the path to uncovering and embodying one’s own personal medicine, came from facing the darkness of her own life and healing the wound that held the seed. By reconnecting and nurturing the relationships to herself, to mother earth and to her guides, they became the soil that allowed the seed to grow. She bloomed as woman of the generous heart, weaver of the healing womb wisdom, initiator of women still uninitiated, communicator to the soul.
Mother, Medicine Maker, Soul Crafter, Land Tender, Partner, Healer, Teacher.
Combining contemporary and traditional wisdom, Melanie remains committed to preserving ancestral wisdom traditions by restoring myth, creativity, ceremony, rites of passage and animistic medicine within her healing practice.