I believe that conception, pregnancy, and birth are each deep and profound spiritual journey’s where parents are closest to nature and the miracle of life.
— Melanie O'Leary

Motherhood Journey  

Every culture around the world once recognized in their own unique way the sacredness of the birthing journey. Woven into their ways of being and doing, was an ancestral wisdom specific to the people of that place, that tended to conception and fertility, gestation and birthing, and receiving and welcoming the baby into the village. Our ancestors understood that what was at play in all of these experiences was a deeply sacred undertaking, that didn’t begin at conception and didn’t end at birth, for the ways in which these experiences were tended to would span out across space and time, rippling out from the individual, to the village, to the entire ancestral line. As such, rituals, medicines and many rites of passage were undertaken by the village to support the family in bringing this new song (baby) into the world. 

In the modern North American landscape, we have all but lost the village function, alongside the rites and rituals, and the sacred wisdoms that not only guided the ways in which we tended to these experiences, but informed us on why it was important. The experience hasn’t changed though, it continues on, and deep in our bones, our ancestral inheritance and memory of these things live on. Called to begin focusing on women’s health and pregnancy in 2007, while also undertaking the very personal healing journey that would serve as the sacred longing leading through the bone and into the ancestral wisdom, Melanie began recovering and re-imagining ways in which she could support women and their babies through the birthing journey by utilizing traditional wisdom in the modern context.  

Motherhood Journey Sessions

In the Motherhood Journey Sessions, Melanie attends to the song that is wanting to be birthed through you, by applying over a decade worth of experience in learning and working alongside women in the initiatory thresholds of motherhood. By connecting with each person on a soul a level in the safety of sacred space, Melanie works in relationship with:

~ Compassionate Listening and Witnessing
~ Divination
~ Sound Therapy
~ Energy Medicine
~ Soul Communication
~ Shamanic Journeying and Healing
~ Sacred Ceremony

to attune, clear, support and help women connect through each sacred stage of the motherhood journey including fertility, conception, pregnancy, birth preparation/healing, postpartum care and pregnancy/infant loss.

So often our culture views pregnancy as a physical and emotional experience with little attention paid to our soul and the soul of our baby.
— Melanie O'Leary

Motherhood Journey Sessions can be helpful for: 

  • Conscious Conception ~Becoming a mother is a sacred rite of passage that deserves deep honoring and requires preparation physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Each one of us comes to this journey in a different way and with a different inheritance. Motherhood Journey Sessions can assist you to navigate your unique terrain, connect to the unique song of your child’s soul, tend to your womb space to receive, and create a conscious path for your child to enter.

  • Fertility Challenges ~ For as long as women have birthed babies, fertility challenges have existed and there has always been old medicine to help women meet the challenges of this doorway. If fertility challenges have been a part of your journey, then Motherhood Journey Sessions can provide necessary support by assisting you to connect with your own soul’s wisdom, and by clearing & healing your body, mind and spirit to assist you on your path to conception. 

  • Pregnancy Support ~ As part of the old village wisdom, mothers and babies still floating in their mother’s oceanic womb were attended to by midwives who spoke and sung to the growing song of the developing baby to help transition them from the womb of the other world to this one, providing them with a thread to follow. Motherhood Journey Sessions provide pregnancy support in a similar way by assisting to clear, connect and attune you to your body’s deep instinctual wisdom, consciously connect with your baby’s soul, and assist you to learn the terrain of accessing your relationships with ancestors, helping spirits, and mother nature as necessary supports in nurturing you through the doorway of birthing. Motherhood Journey Sessions also provide space to explore and release fears around birthing and/or motherhood that show up in the modern landscape in the absence of our ancestral wisdom and help prepare you spiritually for the process of giving birth.

  • Birth Preparation ~ Part of being a human being is being transformed by significant initiations or thresholds of our lives that prepare us for the journey ahead. It has long since been understood, that one of these significant initiations is the birthing process, whose trials help prepare us for the very work of motherhood. The Gateways of Birth are a powerful place where being connected to your inner wisdom, instincts, and power is imperative. Motherhood Journey Sessions support birth preparation by utilizing Shamanic medicine and tools that help prepare your body/mind/heart and soul to walk through these gates and welcome your baby into your world in the most peaceful and practical way possible that attends to the unique woman you are.  Having this additional support and witnessing can help you come into right relationship with yourself and your process, find balance and harmony, gain clarity, and heal from experiences which may be getting in the way of your joy as a parent.  

  • Birth Healing ~ Given that the birth experience is an initiation into motherhood, every birth is unique and contains wisdom, beauty, and lessons to learn and many times heal from. Motherhood Journey Sessions attend to birth healing by offering an honouring space to harvest the beauty and wisdom you acquired in your birthing experience, while also providing you with the nourishment and support to safely feel and explore the aspects that may have been challenging in order to holistically integrate the knowledge you acquired in this powerful doorway. 

  • Postpartum Support ~ The birth of a new baby brings with it many different changes, in our lifestyles, our families, our routines and priorities! Finding a balance between nurturing your baby and meeting your own needs is a delicate process and one that is different for every woman.  Sometimes the postpartum period is blissful, and sometimes it is deeply challenging as our role and identity transform. We were never meant to embark on that journey alone, and it often asks a great deal of us if we are to find and honour our own way as a mother in amongst a milieu of familial and cultural ideals. Motherhood Journey Sessions attend to serving as a necessary container of support and attention to the individuality of your own soul to assist you in transforming more deeply into the mother you came here to be. 

  • Pregnancy/Child Loss ~ Grief and loss are an often-inevitable part of the human journey; however, we live in a culture that often attempts to “skip over” or render invisible the magnitude of what grief and loss asks of us, and how it impacts us and our families. Many times, leaving us to chart these very painful waters alone. Whether you have experienced pregnancy loss through abortion or miscarriage or child loss at birth or afterwards, each woman’s experience of loss and the complex circumstances that surround it are unique and individual. Motherhood Journey Sessions provides every woman who has experienced this loss with a safe and nurturing space for you to share your unique experience and enable you to grieve. Healing rites and rituals are provided to attend to your baby’s soul, helping them onward to a safe space while also attend to your ongoing healing both physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  

Motherhood Journey Sessions are available as
Sun Sessions (during the day) or Moon Sessions (in the evening)

90 minutes ~ $150 ~ tax included

*This may be a one time session or on going support throughout your motherhood journey.*

In person sessions are available on Bowen Island
Distance sessions are available via zoom.

Mother Blessing Ceremony

 As a function of culture, rituals have always helped human beings mark and make meaning of significant transitions either in life stages/development, significant changes in the family ie weddings/baptisms/funerals or honoring transitional spaces ie to mark a significant healing or even a change in the season. The word Ceremony inherently is recognized as ritual, though imbued within them is a sacred rite and/or ritual that attends to the necessities of the sacred and is born of old wisdom.

Becoming a Mother is a deep, sacred Rite of Passage, which deserves to be honoured. Having a Mother Blessing Ceremony is a wonderful way to be honoured, witnessed and celebrated surrounded by those you love. This can be a very transformative experience and an amazing rite of passage that every mother deserves to experience. All Mother Blessing Ceremonies are unique and custom tailored specifically to your needs and wishes. Mother Blessing Ceremonies can take place at my space Soul Sanctuary or in your home, a beautiful place in nature or another sacred space.